Quarantine Questions

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Christine Cattano, Framestore's Global Head of VR, answers 'Five Questions From Quarantine' for Shots about her work from home setup, the potential impact of COVID-19 on location-based entertainment, and the silver linings of self-isolation.

She mentions, "The longer it continues, the more profound the impact to our collective psychology and behaviors will be. I do a lot of work with immersive technology like AR/VR/etc., so on one side of the spectrum it will be interesting to see if this helps break down some barriers for further adoption (provided there is hardware to buy!). But on the other hand, many of our projects involve some aspect of location-based entertainment (LBE) and not only do we not know when we’ll be out in public again, but when and if we’ll feel comfortable gathering and sharing in the same way we did pre-COVID."

To read more, visit the piece on Shots here.